Carrefour's Exit from Japan
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Case Details:
Case Code : BSTR185 Case Length : 16 Pages Period : 2000-2005 Organization : Carrefour Pub Date : 2005 Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : Japan Industry : Retail
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Background Note Contd...
In 1973, Carrefour opened its first hypermarket in Spain under the 'Pryca' brand while the first hypermarket in Brazil started functioning in 1975. In 1989, Carrefour opened its first hypermarket in Asia, in Taiwan. By the late 1980s, Carrefour had a significant presence in a major part of Europe and had established its stores in North America, South America and Asia.
In 1990, Carrefour diversified into the oil business by establishing 'Express Oil'.4 In 1991, Carrefour acquired two French hypermarket chains - Euromarche and Montlaur. It acquired 'Felix Potin' (convenience store chain in France) in 1996 and 'Catteau' (supermarket chain in France) in 1997. The company had established a strong presence in international markets by the late 1990s. To strengthen its presence in the domestic market, the company acquired the French retail group Promodes5
in 1999. This made Carrefour Europe's #1 retail group and second in the world
behind Wal-Mart in terms of global revenues. In some countries, for instance, in
China, it surpassed Wal-Mart with regard to the number of stores to become the
#1 retailer.

The acquisition of Promodes also enabled Carrefour to wield considerable buying influence on its suppliers. This, in turn, helped the company to price its products substantially lower than its competitors.
In 2000, Carrefour, Sears6 and Oracle7 created the first worldwide online marketplace called GlobalNetXchange for retailers connecting 50,000 suppliers, partners and distributors. In the same year, the company also launched its online supermarket Ooshop. In December 2000, the company opened its first hypermarket in Japan. In 2003, Carrefour acquired the Hyparlo hypermarkets8 of Italy and purchased 2 hypermarkets in Poland. In 2004, Carrefour purchased 13 hypermarkets belonging to Ahold9 in Poland. With this acquisition, Carrefour became the #1 food retailer and the second largest retailer operating hypermarkets in the country. Carrefour had sales of € 72,668 million and income of € 1,509 million in 2004... |
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